Wednesday, June 25, 2008

10 Goals for the Millennium

This is a copy of the United Nations 10 Goals for the Millennium. We saw these goals posted in many NGO's in Jordan, last summer. The building that houses the UN is very impressive but it has not been remodeled since it was built in the early 60's.
Barcelona chairs, old carpet and plenty of "modern" furniture. However, their art and photo displays more than make up for the
dreary decor. THe UN is all about peace. We saw many displays on how much money is being spent on WEAPONS and how
much is spent on health, sanitation and education. 6000 children per day die of diarrhea because of a lack of clean water.
And guess what country hasn't signed the ban on IED's??? Yes we still make, sell and stockpile those cute little land mines.
When will the US start working for peace instead of death and destruction? Our tour guide, CECE, is a friend of Sarah's so we
got to see some other floors of the UN too! We had our own VIP tour. Time for a nap, as you can read, this blond has done
way too much thinking today.

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