Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shalom Israel

This will be my last post, while I am on the trip. We leave Israel tonight at 11:30 pm. Still trying to get a very late check-out, from the hotel. Ms. Marylin went on a bus tour yesterday and got heat stroke. She was a total wreck when she returned last night. I of course, was fine as I spent my day under an umbrella, on the beach! Oh, and of course, in a taxi, going to the airport for my wayward bag. We didn't do much last night, which was fine. We did watch Obama's speech. It was broadcast on Fox and
SKyNews. He has been very well recieved over here and there were thousands in the streets of Germany to hear him. I hope his trip through the middle east has been 1/2 as successful as mine. If the USA continues to act as the worlds' biggest bully, instead of an ally of peace, I think my children will witness the complete downfall of our country. We are doomed financially if we continue this folly of invading and occupying foreign lands. Empires rise, empires fall that is the nature of life and history which continually repeats itself. What will future generations read about the former USA? With every bomb we drop we are changing forever the course of lives.
Is this really how we want our country to be remembered?
With peace in our time..

The Bag is Back

This is a view of our room at the Marina Bay Hotel. The neat bed in the background is
well, not mine. After a zillion phone calls my bag was located and I returned to the airport to pick it up. Of course, I was questioned by Israeli security because taking
the wrong back is a big deal in Israel. Hopefully, I will make it out tomorrow night
without too many more adventures. Does look like I will need to repack.

Jaffa/Tel Aviv

This is a view of Tel Aviv from Jaffa.

Good Bye Amman Tour Guides

This is Ahmed, his brother Mohamed and their friend. We went on a good-bye tour of
Amman. I don't know when I'll next visit this beautiful city.

Good Bye Amman

This is the Citadel at night. It overlooks all of Amman. Ahmed, his brother and a friend brought me there to say good-bye to their beautiful city.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Israel/Bag drama

We are in Tel Aviv on the last leg of our trip. Marylin is off to Masada and the Sea of Galilee by bus tour. I thought I was going to have a beach day but it turns I got
the wrong bag at the airport. Of course, me being me I didn't notice this till bedtime and guess what, the office hours of the airline are 9-5. So I am going to deal with that drama in about 45 minutes. Its drama because I don't speak HEBREW and everything here is in HEBREW.
Everything is not all bad.. let me talk about yesterday! We flew in on Royal Jordanian airlines. The flight was about 32 minutes. We didn't really understand why they served drinks before we boarded but we realized it was because there was not enough time to serve them inflight. The plane was half full so I got a window seat.The plane itself was a little beauty. Two across seating and get this, the stewardess wore an adorable red suit and the stewards wore nice suits too. Very formal, very clean, ontime and very 1960's. The airports are really hassle free, lots
of security but NO long lines. The government owns Royal Jordainian so they are not about to be cheap! Its pretty much the same with Egypt Air. They even run their own
hospital and health plan for their employees. We are in big trouble in the USA! I think being owned and operated by the government rather than stockholders is a big deal. They worry about their image rather than the bottom line.
Since it NEVER rains here there are no clouds in the sky and I could see everything
on the ground, ruins, rivers, and all the trees we planted in Israel, over the years.
Really very amazing.
We are staying at the Marina Bay Hotel. Another, how did this place get all those
stars. However, for $30 dollars US I got a key to the "Executive Lounge".. yes, okay
I got it for free at the Kempenski but well, that was yesterday. In addition to the
use of a computer there is a fully stocked kitchen, with snacks,beer wine etc and a guy just brough in new goodies including FRESH DATES, so my mood is much better. I wil deal with the airline thing in a few minutes.
What was in the bag? Oh just the remainder of my clean clothes and my chargers and camera cord. So what is poor suzi left to wear, well all the dirty things but I did find some clean stuff and my emergency bathing suit.. the totally covered one I'm pictured in.. I'm sure the "muslim girl" look will play well on the beaches of tel aviv..they get alot of Russian and Euro toursits who wear bikini's (this includes men) who feel they are never to fat, old or hairy to wear one!
We walked through Jaffa last night. It is a port city dating back to 1800 BCE and
was founded by Simon is still pretty much intact and tel aviv is the new for a covered swim and then airport stuff. I proably will end up going out
to the airport but I'm still dreaming the airline will drop off my bag and pick up the wrong one, let's see how it plays out.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good bye Amman

We leave Amman today. I can't believe I am leaving it again. We had a very restful
couple of days here.I will go to the pool now and have a swim and a little nap!
I had to buy another bag to take all my "stuff" I will proably have to buy another ticket. Here is my trick, all my dirty things and presents are in my big suitcase
and the new small bag has my actual clothes for Israel. Let's hope I can stay organized enough. I'm missing everyone and can hardly wait to see my kids, dog and
my bird.

Packing again

We leave tomorrow for Israel and it seems that I have a small problem. Yes, all the
crap aka clothing on the bed has to go in my suitcase. Ahmed is coming tonight to take me shopping for yes, another suitcase. Oh by the way, in the newspapers here, if
a story comes from Jerusalem the datline reads,"occuppied Jerusalem."...just thought
you'd like to know!

Marylin and the Senators

Yeah, okay, I forgot who they are but Marylin does look so happy! These two senators are traveling with Obama. We could get photos with them but the secret service wouldn't let us near the candidate! Good grief, there were only the three of us in the lobby because we had a tip to get there early. We arrived at 1:00, they closed the streets and the hotel around 2 but we were safely in the lobby drinking wine and having snacks when they did that. Oh, there were soldiers with AK-47 everywhere and
even some secret service guys, way too exciting. I like the outfits they wear in Jordan cute camis with matching vests and burgundy berets.(Okay uniforms)

Marylin and Suzi in the Kempenski Lobby

We look so fab here, we were going to the 4 Seasons to wait for Senator Obama who is
in town today! He stopped at the 4 Seasons for a short siesta before a press conference and dinner with the king. We got the info from a source at our hotel.
So we had a lovely long lunch with Karen, in the lobby of the hotel! I also had
a mani/pedi in the beauty shop, while we waited. They had 5 filipinas doing nails.
It took 20 minutes as I had two girls working on me at once AND it cost 12JD or about

Kempinski Pool

This is the awesome pool at the Kempenski. Where I start my mornings in Jordan.

Monday, July 21, 2008


We are in Amman today, Tuesday. We are homeward bound. We leave here tomorrow, for
two days in Tel Aviv and our flight on Friday. We arrived last night from Sharm. We were picked up at the airport by a driver from the KEMPINSKI. We are BACK. We even
have our same room. Ms. MArylin had actually booked another hotel, the Al Manor, to
stay. HAHAH, as if she wasn't going to stay here. We we were greeted by many welcome
backs, and of course our Kempinski beds.
This morning both the GM and RM of the hotel greeted me. Mohammed brought me my Turkish coffee, just the way I like it before I even ordered. Oh my gawd, if you ever
get the opportunity to stay at a Kempinski take it. These hotels offer service beyond compare, and the best part is we are paying less than we did for other
"5" star hotels in Egypt and Israel. Our rate is $153JD per night. We are on the
Executive floor so we get breakfast and snacks all day, drinks at night and unlimited
computer access from 6am till 11 pm. Yes, its all good.
Today my plan is swim, manicure, swim and then we are going to the Four Seasons for
drinks etc because guess what, Barak Obama is due in town today. He is being adored
over here, unlike other people who think Iraq borders Afganistan.


We spent the past week-end in Sharm. Internet connections were pretty non existant and I must admit I was having way tooo much fun and way to busy to try and even find one. If we thought Luxor and Cairo were hot we were wrong. Sharm was even hotter.Thank goodness the red sea is there. We could snorkle right off the beach of
our hotel, The Concorde. Sharm is located at the red sea, in the Sinai Pennisula.
Okay so we HATED our hotel. We knew it was on the beach and big but we couldn't imagine how big until we had to take a BUS to our room. Of course I had a "SUZI" fit and 7 hours later I got another room. I can't explain to you how HOT it is in Sharm.
Walking more than 100 feet, in the sun, is like running a marathon. We spent 3 days
in Sharm. I felt good but still couldn't really eat because of the heat and the fact
that the hotel catered to the "Brits" so you know the food was awful.
We went ATV riding in the Sinai and snorkling off a boat. The water, fish and coral
are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Marylin was stung by a jelly fish and had a tenacle mark from her neck to her chest. Since I was wearning my "rash guard" and shorts I didn't seem to have been stung.

Sinai Sand

These are my feet in the sand of the Sinai Desert. Did the Jews really wander here for 40 years? We were in the desert for an ATV ride. The location was St. Katherine's
perserve. Mt. Sinai, is not called that in Egypt. It is called St. Katherine's as there is a monastary there now. Egypt lost control of the Sinai pennisula in the 1967
war with Israel but regained it after the 1973 war during a settlement brokered by
Anwar Sadat.Marylin rode her own ATV but Ms. Suzi was on the back of one driven by
our guide!

Sharm at Night

This is Na'ma Bay, in Sharm, at night. Shopping in Egypt is beyond belief. The stores
are open until MIDNIGHT. In Sharm, some of them actually had working credit card machines so you know it was all good. This area is right next to the beach. I mean
really what more could you ask for than cool water and hot shopping?

New Swim Suit

This is my new swimsuit. Yes, this is what observant women wear swimming here.
We have heard, in the last 3 weeks, there have been 89 arrests in Dubai for morales
charges. You can just never be to covered. The under layer is similar to the "speed"
suits you can buy in the US. Yes, I have a matching head cover too!

Sand in Sharm

Yes, this is the red sand of Sharm El Shiek..the water is clear and warm.. the sand
is, well, HOT.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Valley of the Kings

Today we went to the Valley of the Kings and Hatshup Palace. Okay, well technically I was there but really, was I gonna walk 2 or 3 Kilometers in the hot sun or just jump out of the van and take a few close up shots. Ms. Marylin, of course, went the distance but really , with my tummy aching etc, I didn't feel I could stand the stress. The photo is of a new mosque near the temple. Very Frank Lloyd Wrightish, the
way it blends into the desert. Once you past the Nile zone it is very very dry and HOT.
Tomorrow we leave for Sharmal Shek.. more swimming and diving and we are hitting
the final leg or our tour. I actually come home next week. I cannot believe it.
Tonight we are staying in at the hotel, going for a boat ride and oh yes shopping as
there is a whole arcade here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Airport Good bye

This is Kareem, Marylin, Tarik and Me. We are leaving Cairo and these two men were
our guides. We paid $30 per ride to and from the airport. One guide and driver picks you up, the other guide takes you through the airport, security check-in etc. Its soo
nice and Egypt air is very nice. There is security everywhere in Egypt, but they are there to protect the citizens and tourists. Tourism is the #1 industry in Egypt. They
want to make everything easy and safe. What a pleasure.

Bread Baking

This amazing lady and this small oven bake all the bread served at the Sheraton. Let
me tell you it is really good.

Luxor Sheraton Before!

Marylin and I are so getting ready to have a wonderful meal. Who knew that we could
get so SICK from 5 star food. Its back to the streets and local food for us.

Amr's Sister

This is Amr's sister. He was so amazing and his sister helped me upload minutes on
my new Egyptian sim car. Yes, this is typical of how many women dress in Egypt. The women are the true flowers, wearing beautiful scarves and dresses.

A Cairo Street

Donkey and horse carts travel the same roads as cars. This makes for some amzaing traffic jams.


Well it seems that the very long nice blog I wrote before leaving Cairo did not get published. We spent 6 days in this very amazing very large city. It was hot crowded
and dusty. We meet many amazing people along the way. Amir, a friend we meet in front of the hotel hooked it up with anything we wanted or needed, including having falafel delivered to our hotel room. I did buy the most amazing black leather purse with snakeskin trim (yes that is how I like my snakes, decorative) and a fab LV bag with suede lining for the Backster!
We are now in Luxor. This is the city where everyone from ancient times came during the winter. Why the winter because its HOT AS HELL now. Even laying by the pool. I did manage to bypass the lifeguard and acutally swim in the nile. They say,
when you swim in the Nile you will always have Egypt in your heart and you will return. Sorry, this country has really amazed me. I really love it and we get a pretty good return on our dollars.
Last night to celebrate our arrival here, we had a devine dinner and DRINKS in the hotel. Well guess what? I was SICK as a dog today. Fortuently, I was able to drag
my poor pitiful self to the beauty salon, where they fixed me right up with some kind
of medicine and peppermint tea. All this while I had, you guessed it, a manicure.
I spent pretty much most of the day relaxing and swimming, drinking peppermint tea
and not eating anything except the amazing bread that is baked in an over by the pool/ Hey, its Egypt! I'm gonna post this and try and get some pictures posted. Tomorrw is the Valley of the KINGS.. we leave at 8am,, I already know I won't be getting out of the car. As I'm writing this, in the air conditioned comfort of the
Sheraton Luxor, Ms. Marylin is out in sun protective gear, trapsing through some temple.. which we saw from the car, on the way in..

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wow, its Cairo

Everywhere you look there is something new to see in Cairo. YOu can be driving down the freeway and look over and see a donkey or horsecart. There are camels everywhere.
The city itself is huge. There is dust and sand everywhere and construction is everywhere, slowing the already crazy traffic here.

Fruit Market in Downtown Cairo

We bought delicious grapes, apricots, plums and mangoes. Oh, and don't forget dates here in downtown Cairo near the Citadel.

Shopping Egyptian Style

Yes, shopping can be greuling but not in Egypt. Where you are served tea or drinks during the negotiation process. Here I am in Amr's family store, Sunrise Gallery.

Room at the Zoser

Well, we are no longer being spoiled rotten at the Kempinski, that's for sure. However, this little hotel is in the middle of a fab neighborhoood where we have meet
some great people and had a lot of fun adventures.

School children at the Citadel

These are school children on a field trip. School is not in session, the children just take trips during vacation time. They were all trying to get into the shot and
say hello and welcome to us.

Summer in the Sand Feet

Yes, I guess wearing BLACK shoes wasn't the best idea, because of course the sand is white.

Marylin and Suzi Survive Meltification

Yes, we made it to the great pyramids. Forget mummification, even with sun protective gear its meltdown city here.

Pyramid and Sphinx


Sunday, July 13, 2008


We arrived in Cairo on Friday night. It took longer to get to our hotel than it took to go from Amman to Cairo by plane. This city is awake 24 hours a day. Its hot and dusty . \how else could it be with so much sand\/ \people everywhere the population\is 3 times NYC. We have been going on tours with private guides which is great because \i cannot tell you how hot it is here. I will post photos later. \marylin walked around the pyramids and needed a four hour nap. \you know \i went and looked and then went back to the van with ac.. no need to stress. We also saw the sphynx. No major purchases yet.. regular clothing is just okay here and nothing fits..
off to a linen factory today.. Cairo by night. Tarek is taking us. more later.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Mecca Mall

Yesterday, after a grueling day at the pool I went shopping at Mecca Mall. Wonderful
regular shopping. Got to use my debit card etc. Most shopping here is old school, cash only. I bought a really cute top, to take to Dubai, a cuter top to take to Egypt
tonight and I bought some fab Gucci frames for new glasses.
Tonight we are leaving for Cairo and today I can't stop crying. I really hate leaving Amman. Its so nice here and the people are so wonderful.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Royal Film Commission Film Festival

Last night, before Trader Vic's we went to an Arab Film Festival at the King Hussein
Cultural Center. It seemed to be a free event and we saw French films, in Arabic
with English subtitles. People came over to us and started chatting with us because
they thought we were FRENCH! I mean really how adorable did we look..??? Pretty cute!
We meet some really nice women that want us to call them so they can take us around.
There were no ARMED guards there, and oh by the way no one walks around with a gun in
their holster as they do in Israel. There are armed guards at the back door of this
hotel but they were their last year too. There is new security to enter here and
cameras everywhere but on the whole Jordan is very peaceful. Hotel security is a big
issue here and they know where you are every minute.

Havana Club Rum

Yes, they do have CUBAN rum..yeah, no embargo here!

The Bar at Trader Vic

Noodles at Trader Vic's

Suzi and Arturo Hernandez

This is the manager of Trader Vic's. He is Cubano so of course, I got to speak Spanish with him. I had to give him a little training as they didn't have snowballs on the menu. They did have some cool photos of the old spot, on San Pablo ave. I was
fully expecting to see dad in them. They had a live salsa band there last night!


Ms. Suzi at Kempinski pool

Today was totally wonderful at the pool. No one was at the pool so I got to swim
for an hour and 1/2 uninterrupted. Then we (Marylin, Karen and I) went shopping for
four hours at Jabal Hussein. A wonderful shopping area with several malls. We only
made it through one and that took almost 4 hours.

Ziad My Favorite Bartender at Los Caballeros

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Yesterday was another tough day in Amman. I swam all morning then Ziad took me to
lunch at a fab a falfel place. One interesting fact to note is resturants, bars etc
seem to have so many employees. At lunch yesterday there was one waiter that just passed around bread, from a basket. Oh, let me describe the pita bread we had. It was
hot and freshly baked and puffy. Not like the "cardboard" pita we get.
I just meet the GM of the hotel. I meet his wife several times at the pool. Evidently, there are problems at this hotel. I think the occupancy rate is low. Of course I love that because we get so much service. Between the hotel staff and ms. marylin all my stuff is organized.
Tonight we are planning on going to Trader Vic's. Of course, who knows, plans change
moment by moment here. I will keep you posted. I am getting a little homesick but
then I'm thinking of Amman as home these days.

Only Mustang in Jordan

Suzi at lunch

Marylin on her Kempinski Bed in Kempinski Robe

Life in Amman

Well yesterday was another "rough" day in Amman. I had a devine mani pedi. The cost
was $15JD, around $20 us. My feet are so smooth. Then is was afternoon swim time with
Karen and Marylin. We finished booking our trip. When we return from Egypt we will spend 2 more days in Amman and then spend our last two days in Israel, Tel Aviv.
Last night I had drinks with Zaid and Neim in the Caballero bar, Marylin and her flame meet me there. One brief" where's my purse" moment and all was well again.. okay it was under my chair in the bar.. no more tequilla today! Then AHMED took me
to his house in AMMAN where I meet his family and his pet canaries, including 3 babies. They are a very traditional family and our very worried about him coming to
the USA to live and work for a year. His mother and sister wear traditional dress.
It was very lovely and they feed me watermelon, dates and turkish coffee. I think turkish coffee is the greatest. Right now its 10:15 and time for a swim. I have lunch
plans and maybe a movie tonight. who knows what adventures await. Right now the pool is calling.

Breakfast in the Executive Lounge

AHMED'S Cousin and Baby Yossef

AHMED and Brother

This is AHMED and his brother, in front of his home in AMMAN.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Karen Joins Us

We got a big surprize yesterday. A friend from last summer, Karen, came to visit us
at the Kempinski! We had a blast reminiscing about old times and of course, getting our party on! We had the whole bar lounge to ourselves. The manager of Los Caballeros
brought us dinner there, even though there is no menu, we just ordered up and they
brought it down. I had yummy grilled veggies, Marylin had fettucine Alfredo and Karen
had a ceasar salad. Later we were joined by the manager of the hotel and we moved the
party upstairs so we could continue drinking and smoke some "hubbly bubbly"...that is
a water pipe with flavored tobacco. Today's plans include a mani pedi, more time at
the travel agent, Karen poolside at 1:30 and I am suppossed to go to dinner at AHmeds, and who knows what else.

Street Scene in Amman

These children were playing outside in a small neighborhood in Amman.

Karen Marylin Suzi

Another friend, Karen, has joined us. In this photo we are in Los Caballeros, our
favorite bar/resturant in the Kempinski!

Sarah at the Wall

Marylin Suzi Sarah

Good Bye Sarah Hello Mustafa

Sarah left today. I miss her already. Mustafa my favorite driver took us to the airport. I don't know why I feel so at home in Jordan but I really do. Of course, I realize living at the Kempinski is not really a life based in reality but it is a truly fab life. This does not seem to be the hotel of choice for all the contractors,
security etc from Iraq so it is very peaceful and quiet. My take is most Americans are not familiar with Kempinnski as a brand so they go to the Four Seasons, Sheraton, etc. Of course I am Ms Suzi all over the place and the staff seems to remember me from last year.
Marylin and I spent the better part of 2-1/2 hours at the travel agent. We leave
Friday for Egypt! We are taking an airplane and we've arranged transportation to and from the airports. We will be in Cairo, Luxor and SHARM EL SHIEK... yeah.. then we
return to Amman and then to Tel Aviv. We will either return to the Kempinski or
the Dead Sea for a day or two.
Last night I took Sarah and Marylin to the Royal Film Commission, where we had a private screening of the film, My Kuffiya.. then we went to dinner at the Bookset Cafe.. it is an ex-pat hang out with greek salad, pizza, spagehitti etc.. and of
course, hubbly bubbly! Yeah..

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Yesterday, our simple border crossing, from Israel to Jordan turned out to be a total
nightmare. The fact that we even got into Jordan is amazing. What should have been
a one hour ride to our resort on the Jordan side turned into a total nightmare.We arrived at the border at 11:15. Ready to cross. All the guidebooks said you could get
your visa at the border. Wrong Wrong Wrong. NOT EVERY BORDER crossing issues visas. We had to drive to another border crossing 1 hour away to do this. Then we used a service called, VIP, which helped us cross ($150

Suzi at the wall

Muslim Section of the Old City

Thursday, July 3, 2008

lost in space

Well, we tried to go to Ramalluh. We drove around for 2 hours but could not figure out how to get out of jerusalem, so we ended up at the jaffa gate. We did see David's tower and the mt. of olives in our search to get out of here. part of the problems is there are no signs posted because its 'arab'.. its so very weird here. We also drove thru some 'extra' frum areas with burnt garbage cans in the streets. WE have no idea what that was about. The areas seemed pretty dirty and the areas where the arabs live seem very poor.
We did make it into the jaffa gate and we did manage to spend a few schekles on some cute stuff. Altogehter i have bought one ring, one pair of shoes, 1 blouse and\one cute kaftan. This is after one week here. you know the prices and shopping are not good here. We got pizza and a salad for dinner.. 112 sheckles at a to go place near hebrew university. Good Grief.. that is not quite $40...about double what we pay..
Tomorrow we head to jordan. MArylin found a nice taxi that will take us to the border and the marriott is sending a car to get us from there. yeah.. the dinar is still trading at 70 so we're hoping for a better break..hopefully a real computer and i can download some photos..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Emercency Manicure Saves the Day

Well, as you read earlier we were planning on entering the old city through the jaffa
gate. We didn't get there as early as we planned and we didn't drive because of my
emercency manicure. So yes, the bulldozer attack was very near us, we could hear the
sirens from our room and we saw it on Israeli, TV. We enetered through the Damascus
gate and had a very interesting day in the old city of Jerusalem. Basically, we shopped our way to the Western Wall. okay, and ate a few things along the route including, falafel, turkish paste and diet coke.
Seeing and praying at the Western Wall has to be the ultimate jewish trip. it was\very moving. There were soldiers everywhere today. In groups, by themselves and you do go through a security checkpoint before entering the area of the Western Wall.
I made Kaddish for Dad and a prayer for peace.
Tonight I am trying to get Marylin and Sarah up and go for drinks at the king David
hotel. Oh excuse please all uncap letters etc.. Tomorrow we are going to return to the old city and see the dome of the rock, jewish and armenian sections and who knows
what. i will proably not be able to post fotos till jordan.. this computer is wack
and swallows shekels..

Regency jerusalem

We are in the holy city, jerusalem where i just paid 70 shekels for a manicure. That is about 25 us..we are going to the old city today and next to the old city is a new
mall. yeah.We are staying at a 5 star hotel, the Regency jerusalem. you may be wondering as you read this, where is the HYATT name. Well i guess they lost their hyatt connection but kept the stars. Service is NILL here and the hotel is kinda a joke. marylin wanted wine last night, she asked for a wine list hahahahha.. its carmel kosher red or white.. have to have a card from the reception desk to
get pool towels.. which are just ratted rags..and oh they rent the pool out to about
50 day camps during the day. fortunelty i got a few laps in before the innocent lambs got into the pool! There is an indoor spa pool which is about 30 feet long.. that pool is actually open from 6am till 9 coed and 9-11 it alternates men only and
women. The food is all kosher, we went out for falfel last night and had breakfast
in the hotel, it was included and devine.. with custom omlettes. marylin hasn't adjusted yet so she was up at the butt crack of dawn..hopefully she'll mellow out today. Time is almost up.\xo\suzi and sorry no caps today.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Tiberias, Hamat Gader, Shoes and Mad Massage,Zefat

We had quite a day today. We started out going to Rosh Pinot and Zefat. I knew Zefat
as Safed. It is a hill top city where Kabbalah has been studied throughout the ages.There is also an artists colony. Or the guidebook said there was one.. all we found was one art studio, David Friedman. Since he was originally from Colorodo he actually talked to us. We went in our finest \'sneeas\' fits and ditched them on the\
way down the hill because it was SO HOT! Sarah bought a few cards and I bought a melon..we could see syria, lebanon and Jordan..
Then we drove into Tiberias and the sea of Galilee.. we stopped for lunch in crazy
tiberias and had oh my gosh, falafel.. since I moved so slowly through the topping line a sweet Israeli woman just reached over me, grabbed what she wanted, etc.. as though I was invisible.. Israeil's are like that.. \i guess their parents were too busy fighting wars to teach their children ANY MANNERS at all. The day got better after lunch, we bought dates and candies and SHOES! Yes, fabulous shoes! Mine are\
white sandals with fab diamonds etc! Sarah bought some adorable white sandals..Okay there are absoultely no Vietnamese living in Israel so how am I suppossed to get my nails done? I mean if we don't find a nail shop soon I might have to do my own nails..ugh
After shopping we made our way to Hamat Gader. This was suppossed to be an alligator farm and there was also a Roman Spring. The guide books was KINDA vague about the road out. Once we passed the banana and date farms it was razor wire and
double fences because we were on the Jordan border. Just when we thought we were going to have to cross into Jordan the sign appeared and announced we had reached
Hamat Gader. What it actually was was a Zoo and a hot springs resort.Okay it was about 1100 degrees when we arrived and were greeted by AK47 toting guards with glocks
in their back pockets. Sarah and I did have another moment in the heat but it was
all good. She went first for the massage. I had mine after a hot swim in the hot pools..let me close with the only other massage I had like today's \i had in Morocco..lets just say I won't need a breast exam for awhile..We're back at Mannie's
and chillin we'll be heading to Jerusalem tomorrow and to pick up Marylin. Hopefully,
Sarah will help me post some photos later.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I just checked my blog from last summer and it seems that I was in the east bank last
summer, right around this time. I have some photos of sea of galliee and comments about the water situation in Jordan. Let me please say that Israel doesn't seem to have this problem. There seems to be plenty of water. Could it be while Jordan begs for water, the Israeli's seem to have plenty. Today at the Kibbutz they laid new
sod around the pool area, and then proceeded to water it for an hour or so. HHHHHMMMMM I don't remember seeing any grass at all in Amman. MMMM could that be what really is going on in the Golan, the sea of Galilee is the prize? In the end\it will all really be about the water!

Left over farm implements

There seems to be a lot of leftovers from the time this kibbutz was actually a collective. There doesn't seem to be any farming going on now. There is a chicken processing plant behind the kibbutz but no on seemed to really know the \'what\\\\\\\\ about it.

View of Lebanon from Kibbutz Pool

Garden in the Kibbutz

Tel Aviv's answer for formal wear

This is for Becky and Sarah, my two girls who work for Selix

golan heights

We are in A'yellet hashar aka Golan Heights.. tomorrow we will go to the border of\
\israel and lebaon..I could see jordan and syria on the drive up. We had quite a little mother daughter moment pulling out of TelAviv, but we managed to pull it togehter and get out of town. \it was a two hour drive from Tel Aviv to hear and I
was the navagator using a map. I am having some trouble with this computer as \\I am unsure what key is the shift key so please excuse all typing erros. We wil postpictures later tonight. Tonight we're going to Rosh \pina to see the sunset \last\ night we went to Jaffa.. we actully had our first falafel.. \israel really closes down pretty good for shabbos.. with stores and shops closing friday afternoon and not really re opeing till sunday morning.
\now politics.. if you are \'arab\' you are underover. We did see a few muslim women\ in \jaffa but not many, if any in Tel Aviv..The mentality of the \israeli's we've encounterd is mind boggling. no hello, no excuse me and most will not even say\
hello or great you in any way. Its pretty much Hebrew or the highway. But no worries we are still getting our party on and having fun \i hope all is well and once again sorry for all the typos..

Saturday, June 28, 2008


None of my electronics are working and since its Shabbos we haven't been able to
connect with a sim card etc. Oh and getting an internet connection has been a trip too. We have been holed up at our hotel, the lovely Basil international. Fab. 3 stars
and it deserves everyone of them. Great Kosher breakfast. So far no falafel but that's tonight. We are going to Yaffo, the old city that was before it became part
of Israel. Okay, the sea is warm and the sand is soft. Sarah and I have both been
gently nipped by jellies but they are kinda like mosquito bites. I am typing at
the Crown Plaza. I had to "ask" to be let up to their business center because their
public computers cut me off. And well, you all know how I can "bs" my way into the best places. This actually seems to be a real connection.
Prices are out of sight here. We get 3.2 shekels to the dollar. Okay so for lunch
we had 3 slices of pizza and 2 sodas, at a beachside stand. It was 64 shekels! I won't get too political now but you know I am not a happy camper. Israelis are a total trip, I don't think I've ever been in a place were people are so unfriendly, rude and pushy. Wait its a whole country full of me. We meet some nice people on the
plane that have invited us to Ramallah so we will proably visit there when Marylin
shows up on tues. I have no idea where we'll stay but I'm sure it'll be fun.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

10 Goals for the Millennium

The cousins

Alex Ellson, Bill Tucker, ME, Jane Tucker.. the big question why do we all (not counting Alex) have the same color hair?

10 Goals for the Millennium

This is a copy of the United Nations 10 Goals for the Millennium. We saw these goals posted in many NGO's in Jordan, last summer. The building that houses the UN is very impressive but it has not been remodeled since it was built in the early 60's.
Barcelona chairs, old carpet and plenty of "modern" furniture. However, their art and photo displays more than make up for the
dreary decor. THe UN is all about peace. We saw many displays on how much money is being spent on WEAPONS and how
much is spent on health, sanitation and education. 6000 children per day die of diarrhea because of a lack of clean water.
And guess what country hasn't signed the ban on IED's??? Yes we still make, sell and stockpile those cute little land mines.
When will the US start working for peace instead of death and destruction? Our tour guide, CECE, is a friend of Sarah's so we
got to see some other floors of the UN too! We had our own VIP tour. Time for a nap, as you can read, this blond has done
way too much thinking today.

United Nations

Today I toured the United Nations ! Very impressive. This is a photo of a Chagall Window, in the main library.